Making Your Solution SaaS Ready

How to prepare and leverage your solution’s listing on AWS Marketplace? 

The AWS Marketplace offers an efficient and effective sales channel where software companies can sell solutions to AWS customers – and scale globally – without needing to handle all of the complicated or time-intensive tasks associated with AWS Marketplace Listings. 

However, the process required to prepare your solution for listing on the AWS Marketplace can be lengthy and complex, especially if it’s your first time. Still, this process is critically important to assess the readiness of your SaaS and develop it far enough to achieve AWS validation through the Foundational Technical Review (FTR). 

The Far-Reaching Influence of AWS Marketplace 

By listing your solutions on AWS Marketplace, you’re signing on to access potentially game-changing benefits for your company. This platform enables you to accelerate the growth of your business, drive customer acquisition at scale, reduce the timeline of your go-to-market, and leverage both the power of AWS co-selling and the reach to new territories. 

So whether you need the freedom to focus more on your core business or the skill set to best utilize this advanced and services-rich cloud platform, the far-reaching influence of AWS Marketplace could help you reach exponential growth. 

Preparation Leads To Hassle-Free Sales 

However, before you can experience any of these benefits, it’s critical to assess your SaaS readiness. There are many questions to consider during this preparation process, but a few should be top of mind: 

  1. Are you going to migrate an existing solution or do you already have a SaaS solution?
  2. What SaaS migration approach is best for you? 
  3. Is your SaaS ready to support a large volume of use and an increased customer base? 
  4. What are your plans for pricing? Are you thinking about a contract-based model, pay-as-you-go or a combined model?
  5. What gaps exist in your current architecture? 
  6. What still needs to be done to have the design of your SaaS product ready for market? 

By answering these questions with your team – and building actionable steps to address them – you’ll help to streamline your migration to the AWS Marketplace. 

Attaining the AWS FTR Validation for Your SaaS

After you’re confident with your SaaS readiness, the next most significant hurdle is to attain AWS validation, often referred to as the Foundational Technical Review (FTR). In order to list list your SaaS on the AWS Marketplace, your solution will need to be examined for security risks and design gaps, as well as, prepare an in-depth migration plan and submit for approval. Without attaining the FTR, it’s not possible to guarantee that your product can be successfully sold on the AWS Marketplace. 

Tackling the AWS Marketplace with CloudZone 

At CloudZone, we’re working to simplify the go-to-market journey for your solution. By partnering with our team of experts for both a SaaS Readiness Assessment and SaaSification, we’ll be able to enhance the potential of your go-to-market solution while also reducing the time-to-market between today and your solution going live on AWS Marketplace. We will take care of listing your solution, ask the important questions, and alert you to any gaps in the solution so you can focus on the core of your business.

If you need support with streamlining the buying and selling process, and expanding your solution’s audience in a shorter amount of time, reach out to our team today to apply for SaaScribe.