Support public sector segment

About Masterlink

Masterlink is a consulting and development company for highly complex information systems.
With more than 20 years of experience, Masterlink stands out in the market for its specialized team as well as the constant development and innovation of its technology, the Masterlink Platform.
The platform provides custom-made solutions to match each business need.

The Challenge

Masterlink has pivoted their focus to public sector customers. They reached out to CloudZone because they were seeking the right partner to take over cloud operations and incident management while helping to design a secure, scalable and highly available architecture.

Masterlink’s current architecture was already using AWS tools for CI\CD such as CopePipeling, CopeDeploy, CodeCommit and CodeBuild, as well as ECS to run the application.

The Solution

CloudZone’s solution was to migrate workloads from ECS to EKS using Terraform as Infrastructure Code for EKS deployment. We used AWS managed services such as AWS WAF, Secrets Manager, AWS VPN in order to follow security best practices. We used EKS Fargate and API Gateway to serve the customers in a secure and high performing private logical resource environment. We also setup tagging, CloudWatch alerts and metrics, as well as DataDog for next-generation MSP services. We onboarded Masterlink to our MSP service. Now, our team fully manages the infrastructre for them so they can focus on the development of their platform.

The Results

We delivered to Masterlink a Terraform code to manage and deploy their platform. In addition, CloudZone’s MSP team took over responsibilities including managing their environment, incident response to operational and security events and ongoing maintenance of their platform infrastructure.