AWS App Mesh Deep Dive

Join us to learn about AWS App Mesh features (Traffic management, resiliency) and how it is compared with the Istio service mesh.

Featuring Iftach Schonbaum, CloudZone Head of Innovation.


The below is a short summary of topics discussed in this AWS App Mesh webinar:


  • Microservices challenges63% of enterprises are adopting microservices architectures yet this is not an easy thing to do right:

    • Microservices, as a distributed system, presents new challenges
    • Contracts between services can break.
    • E2E tests now involve deployment of multiple applications
    • Microservices connect over network which can be flaky.
    • What if a service is calling another service which is currently in an outage
    • Monitoring is harder – how can I debug requests spanning  multiple applications
    • “I want to run my microservices on Spot instance in production”
    • Acquiring knowledge of new generation tools that provide solutions

  • What is Service Mesh
    A service mesh solution is a dedicated infrastructure layer that attends the above microservices challenges or requirements, in secure, usable and scalable way

AWS App Mesh

  • AWS’s offerings for a managed service mesh
  • Provides application transparent features of Traffic Routing, Resilience, Monitoring and Security.
  • Serves a managed control plane and a simplified API to managed Envoy configuration at scale
  • Spans multiple compute infrastructures like EC2, EKS and ECS
  • Integrates with AWS Services e.g. for service dis. & dist. tracing
  • Provides easy multi-tenancy
  • Uses envoy in the data plane
  • Runs on AWS Outpost
  • Managed backups

AWS App Mesh vs Istio Service Mesh 

aws app mesh vs istio comparison table








Let’s talk about it