AWS Security best Practices

Rabbi Interactive

The Challenge

Digital agency, Rabbi Interactive, was required to develop an easily-deployed, elastic solution that would connect to the current SAP warehouse-management infrastructure and provide a highly-secure API endpoint for mobile warehouse management devices. All the operations related to infrastructure deployment and application updates were to be automated.

The Solution

  • Run the app on AWS hybrid application architecture to gain scalability, performance, and elasticity.
  • Comprehensive IT services – a dedicated IT resource was allocated, including consulting and planning, configuration, application development and migration.
  • Introduce AWS Security Best Practices – including:
    • AWS Inspector – to scan and report possible vulnerabilities, analyze and remediate
    • AWS GuardDuty – to detect possible threats.
    • GitHub – to host private code repositories.
    • AWS CodePipeline – to automate deployment procedures.
    • AWS CodeBuild and CloudFormation – to build and deploy the application in the ECS cluster.
    • ECR – for storing docker images.
    • AWS SSM – for patch management on non-ECS machines, like MongoDB.

The Results

The deployment automation enabled a reduction in human-led operations, helping Rabbi Interactive’s developers to concentrate on their tasks, while reducing the time required for application deployment.

Use of CloudFormation enabled management of production infrastructure and the creation of QA/DEV ephemeral environments, in minutes.